New Regulations on Solar Panel Placement: MNNSZ Response

The Hungarian Government’s Ministry of Construction and Transportation has introduced a draft regulation that proposes significant restrictions on the installation of solar panels and solar collectors. The draft’s 43rd paragraph mandates that solar panels on rooftops must be installed parallel to the roof slope, and those on facades must be integrated. Moreover, it completely bans the installation of solar panels on balconies and requires heritage protection authority approval for placing solar systems on heritage buildings. These restrictions have drawn criticism from the Hungarian Solar and Solar Collector Association (MNNSZ).

MNNSZ’s Reaction and Suggestions


László Szilágyi, the Vice President of MNNSZ, stated that the current draft is unacceptable. He pointed out that these restrictions contradict the European Union’s renewable energy policies and the Hungarian government’s commitment to solar energy. He highlighted that such limitations, especially in urban environments where installation options are already limited, would severely hamper solar adoption.

Szilágyi emphasized the need for professional consultations between the government and relevant organizations, including MNNSZ, to review the draft and suggest improvements. The association is ready to participate in discussions and collaborate on making the regulation more practical and in line with both national and EU energy goals.

Request for Extended Consultation Period

MNNSZ also called for an extension of the public consultation deadline, currently set for September 30, 2024. The association believes that extending the deadline would allow for a deeper, more comprehensive review of the draft, ensuring the solar technology transition is not hindered by unnecessary restrictions. MNNSZ remains committed to promoting renewable energy and supporting sustainable energy solutions, and they intend to contribute to the regulatory process.

The draft regulation can be reviewed via the following link:

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